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  Product Stock Qty Price
Heat Resistant Soldering Mat  HP HRSMCHeat Resistant Soldering Mat HP HRSMC
Scaleauto BMW M6 GT3 Body. White Kit. 1/24th  SC-7514Scaleauto BMW M6 GT3 Body. White Kit. 1/24th SC-7514
Scaleauto Sanding Sponge 110 x 20 x 5mm 2000 gritt  SC-9536EScaleauto Sanding Sponge 110 x 20 x 5mm 2000 gritt SC-9536E
Scaleauto Sanding Sponge 110 x 20 x 5mm 1500 gritt  SC-9536DScaleauto Sanding Sponge 110 x 20 x 5mm 1500 gritt SC-9536D
Heat Resistant Soldering Mat  HP HRSMCDHeat Resistant Soldering Mat HP HRSMCD
Sloting Plus Eyelet 1.5 x 4mm  SP 108011Sloting Plus Eyelet 1.5 x 4mm SP 108011
S&K Rim 10.5mm 3/32" Recessed  S&K 10516RS&K Rim 10.5mm 3/32" Recessed S&K 10516R
Sloting Plus Bushing ECCENTRIC 0,6 mm UNIVERSAL  SP 051201Sloting Plus Bushing ECCENTRIC 0,6 mm UNIVERSAL SP 051201
Track Braid 1000ft  TB 1000Track Braid 1000ft TB 1000
Sloting Plus Eyelet 2 x 4mm  SP 108050Sloting Plus Eyelet 2 x 4mm SP 108050
DoSlot Brushless E-Com DS BLEComGDoSlot Brushless E-Com DS BLEComG
Bentley 1/24th BPA K044Bentley 1/24th BPA K044
ProSlot Euro MK1 Motor Big Dog Arm PS 4002CProSlot Euro MK1 Motor Big Dog Arm PS 4002C
3/32" Oilite Bushing, Parma   PI 625S3/32" Oilite Bushing, Parma PI 625S
Red Fox Carbn Fibre Guide Flag Threaded  RF CFGFTRed Fox Carbn Fibre Guide Flag Threaded RF CFGFT
Scaleauto Formula 90-97 MP4_17 1998 #7 David Coulthard  SC-6387Scaleauto Formula 90-97 MP4_17 1998 #7 David Coulthard SC-6387
Red Fox High performance guide flag 2017   RF BAGHTRed Fox High performance guide flag 2017 RF BAGHT
SCB Ultra Soft Braid  SCB USCU01220SCB Ultra Soft Braid SCB USCU01220
SCB Good Contact Braid  SCB GCCU01205SCB Good Contact Braid SCB GCCU01205
Axle Height Jig Wheels 3/32" Carlisle  CSP 332WAxle Height Jig Wheels 3/32" Carlisle CSP 332W
K & S 1/16"  Brass Tubing Round  K&S 8125K & S 1/16" Brass Tubing Round K&S 8125
DG Slot Marlboro GF1  DG RBF1DG Slot Marlboro GF1 DG RBF1
Armature Spacer .007"  Koford  KO M249Armature Spacer .007" Koford KO M249
Mossetti Patriot Striker Chassis  MR-1002Mossetti Patriot Striker Chassis MR-1002
Mossetti 2014 Euro Sport Chassis MMossetti 2014 Euro Sport Chassis M
Scaleauto SRT Viper GTS-R No.33  SC-7066HSScaleauto SRT Viper GTS-R No.33 SC-7066HS
Flexible Silicone Wire 12AWG  HP 9012RFlexible Silicone Wire 12AWG HP 9012R
Racers Choice Fluorescent Raspberry RTR 5402Racers Choice Fluorescent Raspberry RTR 5402
2mm Spur Gear 80p JK H434422mm Spur Gear 80p JK H43442
Parma Intrepid Ultimate 1/32 PI 70541BParma Intrepid Ultimate 1/32 PI 70541B
Controller Cooling Fan  HP CONF1Controller Cooling Fan HP CONF1
SCD F1 Falcon Chassis  SCD F1FSCD F1 Falcon Chassis SCD F1F
DS Controller adapter  DS-0091DS Controller adapter DS-0091

Sub-Total: $2,884.20
