Motor Tools

Hudy Comm Lathe HSP 101100

Hudy Plastic Arm Clamps HSP 101028
Hudy Plastic Arm Clips, HSP 101028 ,Tough plastic clips used to secure armature to comm lathe stands.

Miniature vise HP USV

Pooh Bear Parallels PB MW
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Miniature vise HP USV
Brush Hood Alignment Tool KO M148
Brush Hood Cleaning Brush HP 13002
JDS C-Can Bearing Alignment Tool JDS 5002
Air Gap Brush Hoods HP 1010
Magnehone Arm Tool MNH3000-3/32"-2mm
Wright Way Magnet Wedges WW-MW
Hudy Diamond Lathe Bit HSP 10 1081
Megnehone Brush Hood Alignment & hone Bar MNH HOOD
Brush Radius Tool KO M270