DoSlot Brushless Motor F1 11000KV DS BLMF1


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
    DoSlot Brushless Motor "10.5-03" (12Pole) - 11000KV

    This DoSlot brushless motor is considerably smaller than any other DoSlot 1105 engine.
    With 13.2mm, it is located in diameter between the 10xx and 11xx size and is therefore perfect for "Isra" formula inline slot cars.

    Other special features:
    - 2mm shaft, reduced for the pinion to 1.5mm
    - So also 2mm bearings despite the small size
    - Distance of threaded holes for mounting like the DoSlot 1105 engine

    Engine details:
    - Motor ball bearing, maintenance free
    - Motor shaft diameter 2mm, length 10mm (with new engine mount, the motor can be replaced 1:1 with common 13D and 18D motors
    - Motor diameter approx. 13.2mmmm, motor length approx. 11mm
    - Weight with cable and plug approx. 4.2g
