- New Zealand Slot Car Association
- Ready To Run Cars
- RTR Car KIts
- RTR Components
- Controllers
- Controller Components
- Chassis
- Chassis Components
- Scratch Builder
- Brass Washer FWBO
- Brass Washer FWBWO
- JDS Roll Cage JDS 3020
- Stainless Steel Tubing .082"od JDS 2014
- Stainless Steel Tubing .072"od JDS 2015
- Stainless Steel Tubing .050"od JDS 2017
- Slick 7 Stainless Steel Tubing .080" OD S7 533
- Slick 7 Stainless Steel Tubing .065" OD S7-325
- Pre-Bent F1 Axle HP 1111
- Slick 7 Motor Brace Stingray C-can S7-349
- Aluminium Round Tubing 3mm x .45mm K&S 9802
- JK D3 Motor Bracket JK C87
- K&S Piano Wire / Music Wire .032" (1/32" , 0.81mm) S&K 2951
- K&S Piano Wire / Music Wire .055" (1.4mm) S&K 2953
- K&S Piano Wire / Music Wire .062" (1/16" , 1.57mm) S&K 2954
- Motors
- Motor Components
- Motor Setups
- Motor Services
- Armatures
- Pinions
- Gears
- Wheels/Tyres/Donuts
- Rims
- Bodies
- Paints
- Decals / Masks
- Power Supplies
- Wrightway Power Supply 230 V0LT WW MPS
- Power Supply HW 1200R-20A, HWI 1200-20
- Power Supply HW 1310-10A HWI 1310
- Dual Voltage Power Supply 110-220V SRU PS
- Silicone Power Supply/Test Leads HP RG018
- S&K Mini Power supply 110-230V S&K PS
- Panasonic Battery LR44 PAN LR44
- Panasonic Battery LR1130 PAN LR1130
- Gophert Power Supply 10Amp GOP NPS-1600
- LBB Ultra Light & Small Power Supply LBB AS51
- Power Supply Test Leads HP 9010
- Power Supply 5-15VDC (0-15 amps adjustable) HW 1288
- Tools
- Adhesives
- Koford High Temp Epoxy KO M345
- loctite 414 #41404
- Loctite 380 Black Max #38004
- Koford Endbell Epoxy KO M385
- Skinners Magnet Adhesive ME SME
- UHU Endfest Epoxy Adhesive UHU 455854
- Extreme Temp Epoxy CHZA 20
- 3M Black Super Weatherstrip Adhesive 3M 03602
- Cahoza Tough Epoxy CHZA 22
- UHU Endfest Epoxy Adhesive UHU 45600
- UHU Endfest Epoxy Adhesive UHU 45640
- Super Glue HP 502SG
- Vibra-Tite Threadlocker Low Strength VT 11102
- IC 2000 Rubber and Carbon Toughened CA Tyre Glue HP 1001
- Soldering
- Liquids
- containers
- Bottle With Needle Tip 1/2oz RE 3000
- 18 compartment Container/Organiser Bead,Craft,Parts, HP JTL035
- Small Parts Container / organiser, Bead,Craft,Parts, HP CMHT1723
- 10 Compartment Container/Organiser,Bead,Craft,
Parts, HP 10C - Large Parts Container/Organiser, Bead,Craft,Parts, HP J117
- Tyre Container HP TT
- Motor Box KO M603
- Armature Tube KO M602
- 5ml Dropper Bottle HP HS3005PSD
- 3ml Pin Point Bottle HP HS3003
- Motor Storgae Tube S7 573
- Tyre Container HP TTL
- Tamiya Mini 4WD Motor Case II TAM 15505
- Tyre Container HP TTEL
- Tyre Container HP TTS
- Liquid Flux Bottle 5ml HP 1261
- Storage Container HP 2960
- Storahge Container HP 2965
- Pin Point Oiler HP 3113
- 15 Compartment Container/Organiser,Bead,Craft,
Parts, HP 15CP - 10 mil liquids Bottle With Needle Tip RCE 3000
- Kelly Big Arm Tube KE 959
- 10ml Pin Point Bottle HP HS3010
- 5ml Pin Point Bottle HP HS3005
- JK tyre Tube JK U59
- 24 Compartment Container/Organiser Bead,Craft,Parts, HP 3442
- Small parts container / organiser HP 24BC
- 28 Compartment Coloured Container/Organiser,Bead,Craft, HP 28CPPC
- RE 3000
- Pit Box
- Pre-Loved
- AB Slot 1/24th VIPER rc3 G12 Chassis, used
- Mosetti 1/24th G12 ES Chassis PL MTR
- Mossetti 1/24th G12 Chassis PL MSR
- AB Slot 1/24th Scorpion 3 G12 Chassis, used
- Trigilio 1/24th G12 Chassis
- Mosseti 1/24th GT12 Chassis used
- AB Slot 1/24th G12 Chassis, used
- Mack 1/24th G12 ES Chassis used
- AB Slot 1/24th Viper G12 Chassis used
- Mosetti/Trigilio 1/24th Open ES Chassis PL MTESO
- Mossetti /Trigilio 1/24th OG12 Chassis PL MTOG12
- Carsteen Controller Pre-Loved CS-02
- Intergy Pit Light TI C24352ORANGE
- Arrows 1/24th chassis
- Wanted
- Videos Slot Car
- Track equipment
- Track Braid
- Disasters
Please contact us if you experience any problems finding what you need:
Phone: +64 6 3577 695EMail: sales@hobbiesplus.co.nz
New Zealand Slot Car AssociationReady To Run CarsRTR Car KItsRTR ComponentsControllersController ComponentsChassisChassis ComponentsScratch BuilderMotorsMotor ComponentsMotor SetupsMotor ServicesArmaturesPinionsGearsWheels/Tyres/DonutsRimsBodiesPaintsDecals / MasksPower SuppliesToolsAdhesivesSolderingLiquidscontainersPit BoxPre-LovedWantedVideos Slot CarTrack equipmentTrack BraidDisasters
Parma Big Mama Braid PI 663-5
Piranha Donut PIRDNUT
Koford Gold Billet Hollow Set Screw KO M621
HP Grub Screw 4-40 Thread x 3/32" HP 440332
Terminator Fish Rubber HP 8880
Cahoza Guide Flag Cut Down Graphite Threaded CHZA 28TH
Parma 4-40 x 1/8" Grub Screw PI 555
ProSlot Euro MK1 Motor PS 4002FK
Parma Faswhite PI 40000
Lead Wire Holder, HP 3001