Triggerman Knob Job Kit TM KJ


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
    Triggerman Designs - Knob Job

    Precision Adjustment System Kit.

    This piece comes in kit form and assembly is required.
    The KNOB JOB Upgrade replaces the plain, loose fitting,
    Socket Head Stop Screw with a Micrometer Style Adjustment Screw
    that makes the final diameter of the ground Tire
    predictable and repeatable!

    The screw with the Red Knob is a longer Feed Screw (necessary because of the extra length of the Micrometer Style Adjustment Screw).

    The chart that you see in the picture is a record of the results from calibrating your KNOB JOB equipped Truer for the first time. (Some racers like their chart on top of the Grinding Drum Cover.)